Friday, July 24, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

let the journey begin

well , at last I got in the mood to start a blog . it is saturday july 04 , 2009 and the time is 2:38 am . let's begin

but i'm actually thinking about where to start, from the day i was born ? well i can't remember it . and i think you too neither . so let me begin with a story . a story which one can find ridiculous and a story with nothing in it . but let's try

once there was a boy . well most of the stories begin with a king or a prince . but that's why it's mine . so there was a boy . Simple and broadminded ( well you can put more adjectives if you like ) . he was a dreamer too, unconscious about the world around him . But he had a magical golden stick and a silver one too. And although he didn't know what to do with them, he kept them .

one fine morning he decided to go for a journey , a journey to know the world around him better , a journey to know himself and a journey to know people . So he started .

He came a long way . He came to know a lot about the world and he saw a lot of things . he saw temples , he saw big cities and big peoples around there , sculptures , wonders of the world and along side he also saw poor ones . he saw wars , he saw communal violence , he saw people crying for food , mothers selling their child for money , he saw beggars. He saw revolutions, he saw dictatorships , he saw people dying for their rights . He saw the sunrise , he saw the sunset .and after a long long time he came to a new world .

i think it's enough for the first day . At least I started the blog. And its 3:20 am now and I think it's time to go to bed although I am not feeling sleepy at all . Let the boy remain at the entrance of the new world and let suspense remain about the interiors. Well I need time to think about it too .


Well, I think saying a welcome back is traditional. It is Sunday July 05 ,2009 at 1:46 am . Now about the story i actually thought that i would write it like a satire , but this one is getting serious with each passing line . And i don't know where to stop . So let's build the new world and we will see what happens afterwards.

So, the boy got into a new world. The new world was beautiful ( like all the fairy tales describe it to be ) . But strangely there were no human beings ( actually there are . you will find out soon ) . The boy moved on hungry and terrified (although there was nothing to be scared of) and he came in front of a jungle ( a huge one and lots of monsters inside it just like the old fairy tales ) . In the middle of the jungle he found a huge castle. It was beautiful. Gleaming like gold in the shining sun. but it seems that there was nobody inside . So the boy , curious about the fact entered the castle ( well i don't know how he opened the front door and it's forbidden to ask question while telling a fairy tale ) . there the boy saw a lot of people inside a big hall but as if they were made of stone, it was like a movie , paused somehow . There was a king too ( he too sat still ) . The boy was so afraid that he ran for the door to escape but then curiosity got better of his fears and he decided to explore the place

Oh! Now I am getting bored of this story . Let’s come to the main point .

The boy found a princess. It’s the main point actually; there is not much fairy tale without a princess. So there must be a princess inside mine too. the princess was fast asleep on her bed and guess what ? She was beautiful . beautiful like the blue sky , beautiful like a ocean , beautiful like a sunshine over the hills , beautiful like rain , like a moonbeam , like yellow mustard fields , like the starry sky , like winter , like everything else which was beautiful in this world .

It was then that he used his magic sticks to wake up the princess and in the process the entire palace.

It was then that he came to know of the fearful monster who had cast them under a spell and then had died, leaving the palace under the spell for an eternity.

if it were me then I would’ve woken up only the princess and no body else . then he went and met the king himself and fortunately the king was kind enough . He offered the boy half of his kingdom and the princess in marriage (Actually no feminist were born then. So there were nobody to ask about what the princess want. but let us think that she wanted the same)

Well you may think the story has come to an end. But it has not. It is just the beginning. Well if it was me I would’ve possibly accepted the offer and stayed there happily ever after just like it used to be in our good old stories. But this boy was different. I think he was crazy. He did not accept the offer. Instead a daydream came to his mind where he saw he is standing at a road, a long road towards the horizon and somebody was whispering in his ear,"your journey has not stopped yet . You have to go through the darkness towards the light, sunrise from sunset, a journey to eternity. "

and the boy left . but this time just not to see but to change the world .

well , this story ends here . as i've told earlier this is a useless crap . nobody will find anything interesting in it . so , if you read this one anyhow , just forget about it and let the boy pass by .


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

moddhobitto jibonjapon

ekti bekar er boktobbo

rabindra nath thakur bolechilen " tiner kenestaray kore radhu mali'r nodi theke jol ana ar nandalal kotrik chitro bichitro kolsi te kore shoroshi taruni'r jal anar moddhe je superfluity's tofat tai holo art " . superfluity manei janina . art amake die thorai hobe ! sokale uthei tai shyamasngeet sunchi . " amar chetona choitonno kore , de maa anondomoyee " . kintu maa o jothariti tv serial dekhte basto . tai ami mozart hote parbona konodin . atleast mojes o noi . na khete paoa kobi hote pari borojor . jerokom beshirbhag bangali kobi hoi . kintu trum e chapa na porle abar bikkhato hoya muskil . trum e chapa pore sudhu hat pa bhangle jodi hoto taholeo na hoi ekbar chesta kortam . kintu " obhaga jedike chay , success ube jay " . tai na chaoai bhalo . borong jege swapno dekhi . nobel toble pacchi . peye seta balish er tolay rekhe ghumocchi , churi hoye jaoar bhoye . gita porar chesta korlam . lekha ache "karm karo , fal ki chinta mat karo " . sunleo bhalo lage . kintu abar ulto chintao mathay ase . fal niye chinta korei to newton madhyakorshon abiskar korechilen ( example - apple ) . ekta apel bagan thakleo apel khete khete bhaba jeto . kintu obhaga deshe khali narikel ar tal gach . fal jodi pase na pore mathay pore , oi newton er madhyakorshon er jonnoi swargoprapti hobe . atleast hawkins er moton autistic holeo hoto , ba john nash er moton schizophrenic . kichui holo na jibone .

bhabchi bekar bhatar jonno apply korbo !!!!!!